We use data from the kindergarten cohort of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) which provides observations of self-regulatory behavior as well as mathematical skills and allows controlling for a rich set of relevant background variables. Our results imply a positive association between...
L. (2000). Children at-risk for early academic problems: The role of learning-related social skills. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15, 307–329. Article Google Scholar McDermott, P. A., Leigh, N. M., & Perry, M. A. (2002). Development and validation of the preschool learning ...
Research Findings: The current study investigated the predictive utility of teacher-rated, observed, and directly assessed behavioral self-regulation skills to academic achievement in preschoolers. Specifically, this study compared how a teacher report (the Child Behavior Rating Scale), an observer report...
These findings suggest that while parent training is sufficient to address children's behavioral difficulties, an intensive summer program that goes beyond behavioral modification and academic preparation by targeting socio-emotional and self-regulation skills can have incremental benefits across multiple ...
preschoolersprivate speechself-regulationThe present study explored relations among language skills, private speech, and self-regulation in three- to five-year-old children. Language skills were assessed with a standardised measure of language ability and by teacher reports of adaptive use of language ...
Self-regulatory skills affect functioning across development and contexts. Self-regulation improves dramatically across early childhood. For example, many children younger than 5 years struggle with self-regulatory skills such as controlling impulses and sustaining their attention (Gerstadt et al., 1994,...
CSRP’s Impact on low-income preschoolers’ preacademic skills: self-regulation as a mediating mechanism. Child Dev. 2011;82:362–78. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Howard SJ, Powell T, Vasseleu E, Johnstone S, Melhuish EC. Enhancing preschoolers’ executive functions through ...
We are testing a novel obesity prevention program for low-income preschoolers built on the premise that children who are better able to self-regulate in the face of psychosocial stressors may be less likely to eat impulsively in response to stress. Enhancing behavioral self-regulation skills in ...
socialskillsandacademicperformance.Themajorityofresearch onmindfulnesspracticeswithchildrenhasfocusedonschool-agechildren.Toexplorethe impactofmindfulnesstrainingonpreschoolchildren’sself-regulationandprosocialskills,this investigationutilizedamindfulness-basedsocialskillsprogramrandomlyassignedtooneoftwo preschoolclassrooms...
We are testing a novel obesity prevention program for low-income preschoolers built on the premise that children who are better able to self-regulate in the face of psychosocial stressors may be less likely to eat impulsively in response to stress. Enhancing behavioral self-regulation skills in ...