The clustering and heat maps produced from SOM were used to identify unique materials and infer correlations between material properties and fundamental material structure. We have also shown that SOM method can provide multiple layers of interpretation through visualizing not only numerical properties ...
The method is applied on a realistic model of the Hellenic power system and its added value is shown by comparing results with the ones obtained from the application of simple self-organized maps and simple decision trees. 展开 关键词: decision trees learning (artificial intelligence) load ...
A novel approach to improve color quantization based onself-organizing mapsfor computer graphics partition is proposed. 提出了一种用于计算机图形分离的自组织映射彩色量化改进方法,该方法首先将自组织映射的输出神经元分成灰度组和彩色组分别进行初始化,在训练过程中分别训练灰度组和彩色组中的神经元,同时采用生长...
Considering all the above, adaptive self-organized maps based on bidirectional approximate reasoning (ASOMBAR), a novel approach on non-Euclidean space, is presented in this paper to improve the effectiveness of the competitive process and the cooperative process. In this research, inspired by ...
(2) predicts time-organized representational structures in cortical areas representing signals with systematic temporal relation, and (3) suggests that the strength with which signals interact in the cortex determines the type of signal topology realized in topographic maps (e.g., spatially or ...
We give a microscopic derivation for the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations describing the behavior of the order parameter close to the critical point where the phase transition takes place.doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-2063-6_164R. DerM. HerrmannSpringer London...
摘要: The open source nature of Android, together with the Linux- based architecture, may attractmalware writers for the trojan is attached to third-party applications that are sideloaded fromsources other than If the choice is to reject, the application is not installed, and of course the...
a principle has been discovered which facilitates the automatic formation of topologically correct maps of features of observable events. The basic self-organizing system is a one- or two-dimensional array of processing units resembling a network of threshold-logic units, and characterized by short-ra...
Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Supplementary information Supplementary information LaTeX Supplementary File Rights and permissions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0...
There exist many kinds of maps or images in the brain; the most familiar ones may be the retinotopic, somatotopic, and tonotopic projections in the primary sensory areas, as well as the somatotopic order of cells in the motor cortex. There is also some experimental evidence (cf., e.g. ...