2003. Self-Organization in Biological Systems. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.S. Camazine, J.-L. Deneubourg, N. R. Franks, J. Sneyd, G. Theraulaz, and E. Bonabeau. Self-Organization in Biological Systems. Princeton Studies in Complexity. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ...
2001. Self-organization in biological systems. Prince- ton (NJ): Princeton University Press.Isaeva, V.V., Self-Organization in Biological Sys- tems, Izvestiya RAN, Seriya biologich., 2012, no. 2, pp. 1-10.CAMAZINE, Scott; DENEUBOURG, Jean-Louis; FRANKS, Nigel R.; SNEYD, James; THERA...
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self‐referential systemsstructure‐matter dilemmaartificial intelligenceIn 1986, Seel and Ladik asked, which role Gdel's incompleteness theorem should have in a basic theory of biology. Recently, the author has tried to collect the conditions, which such a meta-theory must fulfill. A further ...
Self-organization in biological systems with regard to network applications is discussed in [6] and [23]. In general, four basic principles can be found in the self-organization of biological systems [3]. Positive feedback, for example, recruitment or reinforcement, permits the system to ...
Lee Smolin 在他 1995 年的会议论文“Cosmology as a problem in critical phenomena”中说,一些宇宙学对象或现象,例如螺旋星系、一般星系形成过程、早期结构形成、量子引力和宇宙的大尺度结构可能是某种程度的自组织的结果或涉及某种程度的自组织。他认为,自组织系统通常是临界系统(critical systems),其结构在空间和时...
Approaches that inherit biological concepts, such as Holonic Manufacturing Systems and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, address this challenge. The self-organization concept offers an alternative way of designing adaptive systems, in which autonomy, emergence and distributed functioning replace pre...
Organoids constitute biological systems which are used to model organ development, homeostasis, regeneration, and disease in vitro and hold promise for use in therapy. Reflecting in vivo development, organoids form from tissue cells or pluripotent stem cells. Cues provided from the media and ...
Gödelian structures and self‐organization in biological systems self‐referential systemsstructure‐matter dilemmaartificial intelligenceIn 1986, Seel and Ladik asked, which role Gdel's incompleteness theorem should have in... Erkki J. Brndas - 《International Journal of Quantum Chemistry》 被引量:...
In this paper I sketch a rough taxonomy of self-organization which may be of relevance in the study of cognitive and biological systems. I frame the problem both in terms of the language of second-order cybernetics as well as the language of current theories of self-organization and complexity...