The psychometric properties of a Self-Focused Attention Scale (SFAS) were examined in Greek-born immigrants and Anglo-Australians. Factor analysis on SFAS items yielded four factors, interpretable as those obtained in previous research despite differences in age between the current sample and previous ...
THE VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF TURKISH VERSION OF THE SELF-FOCUSED ATTENTION SCALEDemir, TanerAkku, ZeynepBilgin, OkanGüne, AdemAkin, AhmetJournal of Educational & Instructional Studies in the World
The psychometric properties of a Self-Focused Attention Scale (SFAS) were examined in Greek-born immigrants and Anglo-Australians. Factor analysis on SFAS items yielded four factors, interpretable as those obtained in previous research despite differences in age between the current sample and previous ...
1.The author introduces the theories and experiments concerning the relation between self-focused attention and depression,anxiety in recent years.自我倾注是当注意力完全集中于自身时内部所产生的与自我有关的信息。 2)selforientation自我倾向 英文短句/例句 1.The present study hypothesized that training in ...
The present experiment explored the effect of self-focused attention and self-esteem on self-reported state depression Subjects completed a self-esteem scale before taking part in an exercise designed to induce either strong feelings of temporary depression ( strong condition ) or very mild feelings ...
We examined whether alterations in body perception in EDs extend to the integration of exteroceptive visual and tactile information. Moreover, we investigated the effect of self-focused attention on the ability to correctly detect tactile stimuli. Twenty
Recently, four-dimensional (4D) functional nano-materials have attracted considerable attention due to their impact in cutting-edge fields such as nano-(opto)electronics, -biotechnology or -biomedicine. Prominent optical functionalizations, representing the fourth dimension, require precisely tailored light...
Eligibility was determined by scoring greater than 1SD or below 1SD of the Public Self-Consciousness Scale normative mean, respectively, for each group. Seed-to-voxel functional connectivity was computed using a DMN posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) seed. There was no evidence of increased DMN ...
In this study, we evaluated patterns of brain connectivity associated with self-focused attention (SFA) as biomarkers of CBT response for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. We hypothesized that pre-treatment as well as pre-to post-treatment changes in functional connectivity would be ...
Reports 3 studies which tested the hypothesis, derived from self-awareness theory, that behavior would be more consistent with personal attitudes or standards when attention was self-focused. In the 1st study, 52 male undergraduates' attitudes toward erotica were measured, and 1 mo later the Ss ...