Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES)The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale is a tool for assessing global self-esteem. Psychologists and sociologists are common users for this instrument. Also, the instrument is a vital part of self-esteem measure in social science research and is in particular, mainl...
自尊量表 The self-Esteem Scale (SES) 卢林客体关系系列,理论、实操、督导,三组同开自尊量表 The self-Esteem Scale (SES) (Rosenberg,1965) 一、自尊的评足概述 无论在社会科学还是在日常生活中,自尊都是一个很流行也很重要的概念。按一般观点,自尊是人们赞赏、重视、喜欢自己的程度。而在社会科学中,自尊是...
自尊量表 The self-Esteem Scale (SES) (Rosenberg,1965) 一、自尊的评足概述 无论在社会科学还是在日常生活中,自尊都是一个很流行也很重要的概念。按一般观点,自尊是人们赞赏、重视、喜欢自己的程度。而在社会科学中,自尊是一个可以被定量的假定概念,它是人们对自己的价值、长处、重要性总体的情感上的评价。这...
The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: its dimensionality, stability and personality correlates in Estonian. Personal Individ Differ. 2000;28(4):701–15.Pullman, H. e Allik, J. (2000). The Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale: its dimensionality, stability and...
Thispaper presents the standardization of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) inthe Greek population. Self-esteem is defined as the positive or negativereflection that the individual has for himself/herself and the belief of beingable to cope with the basic challenges of life. The RSES was ...
自尊量表(self-esteem scale,SES)由Rosenberg于1965年编制,最初用以评定青少年关于自我价值和自我接纳的总体感受,目前是我国心理学界使用最多的自尊测量工具。 这个量表是用来了解您是怎样看待自己的。请注意,这里要回答的是您实际上认为您自...
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965)The scale is a ten item Likert scale with items answered on a four point scale - from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The original sample for which the scale was developed consisted of 5,024 High School Juniors and Seniors from 10 randomly ...
1.Rosenberg,M.(1965).Societyandtheadolescentself-image.PrincetonUniversityPress. 2.Coopersmith,S.(1967).Theantecedentsofself-esteem.Freeman. 3.Heatherton,T.F.,&Polivy,J.(1991).Developmentandvalidationofascaleformeasuringstateself-esteem.JournalofPersonalityandSocialPsychology,60(6),895-910. 4.Fleming...
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale by Millisecond. Free with an Inquisit license for online or in-person psychological research.
RRosenberg Self-esteem ScaleChristian H. JordanWilfridLaurierUniversity,Waterloo,ON,CanadaSynonymsSelf-esteem scaleDefinitionThe Rosenberg self-esteem scale is a ten-itemself-report measure of global self-esteem devel-oped by Dr. Morris Rosenberg in 1965.IntroductionThe Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES...