While this study focused on PRADAN SHGs, the findings are broadly applicable to other livelihood-focused SHGs in South Asia that are formed and maintained by an external organization (e.g. either a governmental or non-governmental agency). This paper makes two contributions to refine the ways...
The contribution of this paper is as follows: first, we outline how to use machine learning to identify tweets that correspond to COVID-19 related symptoms in multiple languages. We present a comprehensive study of how these symptomatic tweets differ from other open-source data sets when calibrat...
Gill, A.K. Women Empowerment through Self-Help Groups-A Case Study of Bijaydandi Development Block in Mandla District of Madhya Pradesh. Natl. J. Hindi Sanskrit Res. 2015, 1, 5–15. 2. Samal, S. Role of Self-Help Groups in The Empowerment of Women: A Revolution in Power Equations ...
as had been discussed among the class. Rachelle, on the contrary, was happy going at her own pace. However, the upcoming exam gave the three a push to increase their XP, amount of study time, and skills. In the weeks leading to the exam, they indicated a greater drive to review and...