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There are also problems of disease reclassifi- cation, which occur when a patient's diagnosis is changed from CD to UC or vice versa. This should also be taken into consideration in the case validation process (16). In the present study, physicians were not asked whether they consistently ...
Get solutions for NEET and IIT JEE previous years papers, along with chapter wise NEET MCQ solutions. Get all the study material in Hindi medium and English medium for IIT JEE and NEET preparation Contact Us ALLEN CAREER INSTITUTE PRIVATE LIMITED, Plot No. 13 & 14, Dabra Road, Sector 13,...
59 Our study adds to this literature by taking a theory-driven approach that focuses on goal-directed control, a neural process that has been examined across species,18,60 in the context of a rodent model of addiction,27 in OCD,21 and more recently in the context of a broader class of ...
The questionnaire was comprised of multiple-choice questions (MCQ). Each correct sequence of the procedure was given a score of 1, and a score of 0 was given for the wrong sequence. The maximum score for this questionnaire was 20, and the minimum score was 0. The content validity of the...
Active Cells Design | AVC | = 1 = 1 AVS ωoCREQ (7) 22..11..1A. cOtipveerCaetlilosnDalesAigmn plifier A two-stage OpAmp (Figure 3) has been specifically designed to accomplish high gain, high 2u.1n.i1ty. Ogpaienraftrieoqnuael nAcmy,palnifiderclass AB output to enhance the ...