requiring large-scale, diverse and labelled training data. The acquisition and preparation of such training image datasets is often laborious and costly, leading to limited generalization to new sample types. Here we report a self-supervised learning model, termed GedankenNet,...
As teacher profession can be seen as a learning profession, it is crucial that teacher education equips future teachers with high-level skills to update an
The data supporting the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon request. Source data are provided with this paper. Code availability The codes used for the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. References De Yoreo, J. J....
(2021). Self-perceived instructional competence, self-efficacy and burnout during the covid-19 pandemic: A study of a group of Italian school teachers. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 11(2), 496–512. Google Scholar Ploughman, M., Austin, M. W., ...
The assumption that drives the research presented in this paper is that if learner goals and SRL skills influence students' learning behaviour, they might also influence how learners perceive and use dashboards. Therefore, in this study, we will look at how students' dashboard needs are ...
class MLPHead(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, mlp_hidden_size, projection_size): super(MLPHead, self).__init__() = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(in_channels, mlp_hidden_size), nn.BatchNorm1d(mlp_hidden_size), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(mlp_hidden_size,...
In addition, another work proposed a global linear regression coefficient (GLRC) classifier that uses the test sample vector and whole class subspaces to calculate the GLRC rather than the use of test sample and the class subspace to calculate the distance, which is used for classification [12...
Objectives: This study aimed to: 1) assess the relationship between social class, age and gender and orthodontic patients' reasons for seeking treatment and subjective treatment need and 2) measure the impact of orthodontic treatment on patients' self-esteem and quality of life at three discrete ...
For each study, we randomly selected 30 queries that contained at least 1 correct retrieval and then extracted the ROIs found in the query slide. We asked a board certified pathologist to rate whether the ROIs agree with their judgements by ‘agree’, ‘partially agree’ (that is, if the ...
subjectivity may have been introduced when categorizing the self-supervised learning strategy in each paper, especially for studies that implemented novel, unconventional, or a mixture of methods. Lastly, our study selection criteria only included literature for the task of medical image classification, ...