They give an insight into the self-similarity- organizations of things in nature. So Fractals can be defined as geometric figures, just like circles, rectangles and squares, but fractals have specific properties that those figures do not have. Algebraically fractals are the result of repetitions ...
6) random self-similar fractals 随机自相似分形 1. The construction of the random self-similar fractals E(n) and memory functions on E(n) are given. 构造了随机自相似分形及其上的记忆函数,并得出了有关结论,在此基础上,定义一个随机概率测度dΦn(τ)= Kn(τ)dτ,Φn(τ)弱收敛于Φ,进一步...
and thus a line segment exhibits self-similarity. By contrast, no part of a circle is a circle, and thus a circle does not exhibit self-similarity. Fractals such the Sierpinski triangle are self-similar to an arbitrary level of magnification; many natural phenomena, such as clouds and plants...
(redirected fromSelf-similarity) Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia self-sim·i·lar (sĕlf′sĭm′ə-lər) adj. Having a substructure analogous or identical to an overall structure. In mathematics, certain geometrical objects such as line segments and fractals are self-similar ...
28 Fractal Mining - Self Similarity-based Clustering and :28分挖掘聚类和自相似性 热度: a r X i v : n l i n / 0 2 1 0 0 1 4 v 1 [ n l i n . A O ] 8 O c t 2 0 0 2 Fractaldimensionandself-similarityin Asparagusplumosus ...
self-similarity (redirected fromSelfsimilar) self-similarity [¦self ‚sim·ə′lar·əd·ē] (mathematics) The property whereby an object or mathematical function preserves its structure when multiplied by a certain scale factor. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Co...
Fractals and Self–Similarity 1. Introduction2. Preliminaries2.1. Sequences of Integers2.2. Maps in Metric Spaces2.3. Similitudes2.4. Hausdorff Metric2.5. Measures2.6. Hausdorff Measure2.7. Geometric Measure Theory3. Invariant Sets3.1. Elementary Proof of Existence a......
We shall see that modelling with fractals raises interesting mathematical and statistical questions as well as offering new insights into the phenomena being modelled.doi:10.1016/S0169-7161(03)21012-9B. M. HamblyHandbook of StatisticsB. M. Hambly, Fractals and the modelling of self-similarity, ...
1.Self-similarity of Union of Self-similar Set and Its Translation;自相似集与其平移的并集的自相似性 2.The Finite Strong Open Set Condition for a Class of Generalized Self-Similar Sets一类广义自相似集的有限强开集条件 3.Lipschitz Equivalence of Self-similar Sets on Plane;平面上自相似集的Lipschit...
Over the last few years, the network community has started to rely heavily on the use of novel concepts such as fractals, self-similarity, long-range dependence, power-laws. Especially evidence of fractals, self-similarity and long-range dependence in network traffic have been...