we'll need to create the self signed certificate using the same method that is used to create a self signed certificate in IIS 6.0 (with SelfSSL instead of through
6. [Certificates (Local Computer)] > [Personal] > [Certificates], 选择 Firendly Name 为“IIS Express Development Certificate” 的 localhost 证书,右键 Copy. 7. [Trusted Root Certification Authorities] > [Certificates] > 右键 > [Paste] 8. 重启浏览器,Visual Studio 重新运行你的 Program, 完!
3. [Certificates] -> [Add >] 4. [Computer account] -> [Next] 5. [Local computer] > [Finish] -> [OK] 6. [Certificates (Local Computer)] > [Personal] > [Certificates], 选择 Firendly Name 为“IIS Express Development Certificate” 的 localhost 证书,右键 Copy. 7. [Trusted Root Cert...
I know how to create the self-signed certificate in IIS7. The only problem it has is the issue name is my computer and not the website I chose. Searching on that saw a blog that overcome this problem by using selfssl.exe that comes with IIS6 resource kit. ...
The site is under ssl (self signed certificate) The site is in dev environment. The client call the site with httpWebRequest The problem When I call the service in http all work like a charm. When I call the service in http I got the following message. ...
Create a Domain Server Certificate in IIS 7 Create a Self-Signed Server Certificate in IIS 7 View a List of Server Certificates View a Server Certificate Import a Server Certificate Export a Server Certificate Remove a Server Certificate
For information about navigating to locations in the UI, see Navigation in IIS Manager (IIS 7). In Features view, double-click Server Certificates. In the Actions pane, click Create Self-Signed Certificate. On the Create Self-Signed Certificate page, type a friendly name for the certificate ...
SelfSignedCertificate是一个用于创建自签名证书的类。自签名证书是一种由自己颁发的数字证书,不需要经过第三方机构的认证。在某些情况下,自签名证书可以用于测试、开发或内部使用。 SelfSignedCertificate类可以通过以下步骤创建自签名证书: 生成密钥对:使用适当的加密算法生成公钥和私钥。 创建证书请求:使用生成的密...
IIS allows you to use client certificates but it may give you hard time if your certificate is wacky (e.g. self-signed). In the client-side, if you have a .NET application that wants to be more permissible on accepting server certificates, you can hook the event ServerCertificateValid...
The easiest solution is to configure your user account to trust the self-signed certificate as though it were issued by a trusted root certificate authority. To do so, use the following steps: Browse to https://localhost:44300/ (or whatever port IIS Express is using) using Internet Exp...