Binge eating Participants had to signal the occurrence of frequent and continuous episodes of the following eating problems, in the previous 5 years: (a) loss of control of food intake fol- lowed by a feeling of guilt (behaviors akin to binge eating); (b) loss of control of food ...
Specifically, some studies show that the BOLD (blood-oxygen-level-dependent)-signal in the precuneus correlated with the time interval duration both in healthy controls (Jech et al., 2005) and in Parkinson's disease patients (Dušek et al., 2012), a clinical condition usually related ...
OxygenIOUnlike vacancy-oxygen defects, the role of Si interstitials (I) when trapped by interstitial oxygen (Oi) is far from clear. In an attempt to enlighten this interaction between these complexes, we report ab initio modeling of IOi defects. The calculated properties such as vibrational ...
For comparison, if all the SCN neurons are sensitive to the external signal, the result is in accordance with the situation of these neurons being located in the DM. One possible explanation for the distinct roles of the non-self-sustained oscillators in the different location is that, the ...
On the same base station in the traditional wireless system, control and data signaling connected to a single user is coupled while both control and data planes are decoupled in 5G, and small base stations are deployed for handling the frequent switching and long connection signal. The various ...
λs = λi = 883.2 nm and that the periods of the EIL along the X and Y components As analysed above, the two-photon EIL Self-image is determined not only by the scanning approach of the two detectors across the signal and idler beams but also by the interaction...
Do not send event on INT signal (#1773) by @hubertdeng123 22.10.0 Various fixes & improvements Split post process forwarders (#1759) by @chadwhitacre Revert "Enforce error reporting for self-hosted" (#1755) by @hubertdeng123 Enforce error reporting for self-hosted (#1753) by @hubertdeng...
The Authors suggest that these phenotypes are due to an impairment in the ROS signal that cannot activate Notch and β-catenin [49]. More skin alterations caused by mutated mitochondrial-related genes are widely reviewed in Feichtinger et al. [50]. In addition, altered mitochondrial membrane and...
Given that the updating of the internal model is based on a Kalman gain, motion will only be reported when there is a low signal to noise ratio of the senses. If so, cognitive cues could result in the percep- tion of self-motion in the actual absence of motion.1 If this 1 Such...
multi signal molecules to modulate cell and tissue response in different stage is an effective strategy for bio- material surface modification. The key points to achieve the synergistic effect are to design suitable vehicle for controlled RGD density on the surfaces and the sustained local delivery ...