Self-regulation strategies of adults - Massey - 1991 () Citation Context ...Gaither, 2001). With regard to self-regulation strategies used in recovering from illness in general, there were significant gender differences reported in the use of most of the strategies examined (=-=Massey, 1991-=...
As a result, the presence of intervention programs and strategies based on sexual health promotion along with sex education programs [19, 20] as well as autonomy or personal responsibility for self-care [21], and the installation of posters in pharmacies [9] can be contributing in this ...
Figure 3. Forest Plot of the Effect Sizes of Self-regulation Task Performance Scores View LargeDownload Data were pooled under the assumption of a random-effects model. For curriculum-based interventions, τ2 = 0.02; χ25 = 14.35; P = .01; I2 = 65%; overall effect ...
High levels of childhood trauma (CT) have been observed in adults with mental health problems. Herein, we investigated whether self-esteem (SE) and emotion regulation strategies (cognitive reappraisal (CR) and expressive suppression (ES)) affect the association between CT and mental health in adult...
Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) have emphasized that the affective tie between children and their parents or concern for the child (emotional support) is an effective necessary precondition for other parenting strategies. Emotionally supportive practices motivate parents to expand the time and energy nece...
We currently lack critical information about the specific strategies older adults use to attempt to control these MM. To increase our understanding of how older adults attempt to manage these MM and retain control of their health, in-depth interviews were conducted with 41 Black and White middle ...
Therefore, self-regulation exerts an effect in the adaptation to adversity, given that it is a process in which individuals take an active role in the activation, monitoring, inhibition, and/or adaptation of their behaviour, emotions, and cognitive strategies to achieve the desired goals (Gests...
We defined three task selection strategies based on different organisational schemes in real-world crowdsourced systems. A self-organised scheme is one in which individuals make independent decisions about which task to participate. We simulated this scheme by having agents choose tasks randomly while ...
Negative coping strategies and behavioral problems are common among Chinese left-behind children, which are relate to a variety of negative consequences. At this stage of development, the relevant factors of coping strategies need to be further studied, in which social support and self-esteem are ...
The aim of this study was to examine the role of self-regulation failure in procrastination. In addition, it also aimed to investigate the effects of procr