Tips for change: • Add the behavior change to your daily routine • Understand that temporary distractions or setbacks are inevitable; accept them and get back to your program when you can • Recognize barriers to achieving your goal and set up ways to avoid or deal with them ...
even online museum collections or galleries were used, with reflective chats about what those images meant for the person. The images (made or found) were reflected on, discussing what feelings, thoughts or
Whenever you require help writing an essay about myself, we are here to assist you. Experienced writers are ready to create a winning text for you.
When Eleanor Vincent submitted an essay collection to a publisher, they asked her to reshape it to focus on her marriage. But as Eleanor began the revisions, her marriage took an unexpected turn and she found herself writing new chapters as painful events unfolded. But Eleanor is no stranger ...
Approximately one-third of the PSTs described how a teacher could motivate students to work in a more self-regulated way by providing both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, for example, ‘giving the pupils tips on what to focus on, and encouraging them with incentives such as stickers, etc...
Spring comes every year, and every year people across the world are bombarded with runny noses, red eyes, and uncontrollable sneezing.
The learning design of this MOOC is summarised in Table1. Unit 0 described the learning objectives of the MOOC and included the preparatory learning activities (e.g., get familiar with the platform) and tips on how to study effectively in the MOOC. Unit 1 aimed to introduce the learners to...
During the course, students found some different autonomy-supportive activities, especially unsupervised small classroom discussions and reflective writing, which was odd at the beginning. After having watched documentary films in the course, students had to write reflective essays on each of the films....