What are the costs to NHS Scotland of self referral to physiotherapy? Results of a national trial. Physiotherapy 2007;1:3-11Holdsworth, L.K.; Webster, V.S.; McFadyen, A.K. (2007): What are the costs to NHS Scot- land of self-referral to physiotherapy? Results of a national trail,...
Self-management has become increasingly important with the growing population living with chronic conditions. Self-Management Support (SMS) provided in hea
Self-referralPhysiotherapyGeographyNational trialDeprivationTo establish the level of self-referral in urban, semi-rural and rural primary care settings, encompassing a range of deprivation, in Scotland. Quasi-experimental. Twenty-nine general practices throughout Scotland. Three thousand and ten patients ...
What are the costs to NHS Scotland of self-referral to physiotherapy? Results of a national trial. Physiotherapy. 2007;93(1):3-11.Holdsworth LK, Webster VS, McFadyen AK. Self referral to physiotherapy: deprivation and geographical setting: is there a relationship? Results of a national trial...
Self-referral to physiotherapy has potential socioeconomic implications for the individual and the health system. The results show (p < 0.05) that attitudes do not differ concerning sex, level of education or the number of previously attended cycles of physiotherapy. Still, increas...
PhysiotherapyKneeAnkleObjectives To determine patient characteristics, frequency of use, type of symptoms and treatment outcomes in patients with knee or ankle symptoms, separately, for patients referred by their general practitioner (GP) and patients who self-referred.Lankhorst, N. E.Barten, J. A....
Self-referral, access and physiotherapy: patients' knowledge and attitudes. Results of a national trial. Physiotherapy. 2008;94:141-9.Webster V, Holdsworth L, McFadyen A, Little H., Self-referral, access and physiotherapy: patients' knowledge and attitudes-results of a national trial, ...
Patient self-referral to physiotherapy in general practice - a model for the new NHS? Physiotherapy. 1999;85(1):13.Ferguson A, Griffin E, Mulcahy C. Patient self referral to physiother- apy in general practice - a model for the new N.H.S.? Physiotherapy 1999;85:13-20....
Direct access and patient/client self-referral to physiotherapy: a review of contemporary practice within the European Union. Physiotherapy. 2013;99:285-91.Bury TJ, Stokes EK. Direct access and patient/client self- referral to physiotherapy: a review of contemporary practice within the European ...
Self-referral for neurological outpatient physiotherapydoi:10.1016/j.physio.2016.10.109G. DaviesH. TomosPhysiotherapy