Ah, wouldn’t that be great! Feels like an impossible dream at the moment. The GP was sceptical because of the severity of my ADHD but it’s a light, albeit a dim one! I can’t believe I’m actually contemplating trying another medication just so I don’t have to see a shrink again!
Sensitivity analyses included a restricted sample of pupils attending only mainstream secondary schools (as special schools or pupil referral units are likely to have populations with greater psychiatric morbidity) and pupils who entered the study at age 11. Multiple imputation was conducted as a ...
Julia–“Ohhhhhhhhh, for fuck’s sake… (laughs)” DrInnes–“The point of the referral to an OT is that you might be able to help…might be possible to help you do some of these things youhaven’t been doing” Julia– “I don’t do those things because I have PDA! So,sending ...
GP needs to know about the self-harming and you should ask for an immediate referral to mental health for psychological assessment. I know wait list is long. But do this now. In addition, anti-depressants usually take two months before you feel any different (if they work). I’d make ...
ADHDAdult PDAAnxietyASC,ASD,Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAutismautism spectrum conditionautism spectrum disorder,Autistic,Autistic spectrum condition,Autistic Spectrum Disorder,Awareness,Mental health,Newsons syndrome,Pathological Demand Avoidance,Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome,PDA,PDD,PDD-NOS ...