If we could hold both polarities at once and acknowledge they probably both have much to tell us, I think we’d get to a more productive place. She also, so far in the first six or seven chapters, has restricted her research to accounts from persons ensconced in modern western culture,...
Rule number five: Progressively Build A Productive Routine.Start small, you won't change it overnight. A few years ago, when I got serious about my health and started exercising, which meant going to the gym and jogging. I initially hated it, it was hard, tiring, and sometimes painful....
More recently, “while the Muslim-MalaysexualminoritiesareincreasinglysubjectedtothethreatsofmoralpolicinginMalaysia,Pengkidhas become a new identity marker for the marginalized sexual subject framedby the Islamic discourse of this country.” In this context,pengkiddesignates “a localizedsynonym for a ...
Also, lately I have been pushing myself to “grow professionally. I feel very comfortable with my current job. In my self growth dictionary since comfort is synonym for sin, instead of feeling grateful for what I have my mind is rejecting it, and in masquerade of self growth is seeking s...
He’s definitely opposed to Cartesian dualism, even while admitting “the Cartesian story has been more productive”. But I’m not sure what the nature of his issues with Hobbes are. They might be the issues any modern physicalist might have with him, but I couldn’t find any elabora...
All individual souls are part of the Over-Soul, a synonym for God. The idea of the Over-Soul is borrowed from Hindu religion, which regards the individual psyche (in Sanskrit: Atman) as related to the world psyche (Brahma). - Human Divinity. The idea that every soul is a part of the...
the refuge of the weak and a synonym for fear. The vast majority of people who take that long-overdue first step usually say something very predictable like “I wish I had done this years ago” or “I don’t know what I was so afraid of”. Get your potential out of neutral, engage...
And as in the past for me "its done when its ready" was a synonym for blizzard, it is no longer so. And last patch seems to be good example. I cannot understand - how did they test it if few hours after release they were already scheduling major hotfixes for 5 or 6 classes with...
For example, Kuiper and Rogers (1979) found that memory for trait adjectives was enhanced by a study task that required subjects to judge whether the word "describes you," relative to deciding whether it describes some other person, or whether it is a synonym of some other word . Further,...