Hutton. Self-Presentation Theory: Self- Construction and Audience Pleasing. In Brian Mullen and George R. Goethals, editors, Theories of Group Bahavior, pages 71-88. Springer, New York, Berlin, 1987.Baumeister, R.F. & Hutton, D.G. (1987). Self-presentation t...
See More: Self-Reflection Examples 3. Recording Your Presentation at Work One form of self-assessment that can be extremely valuable is to record our presentations. It can be a sales pitch or product proposal, or just about anything else. There is probably no better way to evaluate our perfo...
网络自我呈现理论;自我展示理论 网络释义
When you are trying to choose a career, there are two things you should do that will help you make a better, and well-informed, decision. First, you have to learn about yourself. Then, you have to explore careers that migh...
So, if we look through the lens of personality theory, what might be the advantages or disadvantages of each personality type when it comes to self-promotion? If you don’t know your personality type, take our free personality test to find out. People with certain personality traits seem to...
The study of social behaviors that stem from interactions with others is the basis of the science of sociology. Learn more about social interaction theory, social roles, and the influence of sociologist Erving Goffman's book, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. ...
Thus, the objective of this qualitative study is to address this research gap by exploring learners' experiences with chatbots for English language learning within the framework of self-determination theory. Based on the above arguments, the following research question is formulated: 2. Literature ...
(1989). Causal attribution in sociocultural context: Toward a self-presentational theory of attribution processes. The Sociological Quarterly , 30 , 1–14.Crittenden, KS (1989) Presidential Address on causal attribution in sociocultural context: toward a self- presentational theory of attribution ...
In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov murders a pawnbroker, Alyona Ivanovna, with an axe, intending to use her money for good causes. He justifies his actions by referring to a theory he has developed of the "great man". Raskolnikov believes that people are divided into the "ordinary" and...
The theory of objective self-awareness predicts the assessment of stable or dispositional self-consciousness and transitory or situational self-awareness. The aim of the present research was to investigate potential associations between patterns of exper