根据前文的“Self-esteem (自尊) is the ruling view you have of yourself. This includes your beliefs about your inner qualities and how you think others see you. Self-esteem is not always rooted in reality, though.(自尊是你对自己的主要看法。这包括你对自己内在品质的信念,以及你认为别人如何看待...
1. Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself. 关爱自己不是自私。在你知道如何爱自己之前,你不能真正地爱别人。 2. Be proud of who you are, and not ashamed of how someone else sees you. 为你自己的感到自豪,不要因为其他人对你的看法而感...
And I was not only heartbroken, but I was kind of embarrassed that I couldn't rebound from what other people seemed to recover from so regularly. And even though I knew it wasn't doing either of us any good, I just couldn't figure out...
1. Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself. 关爱自己不是自私。在你知道如何爱自己之前,你不能真正地爱别人。 2. Be proud of who you are, and not ashamed of how someone else sees you. 为你自己的感到自豪,不要因为其他人对你的看法而感...
Another is rumored to be a real-life princess.还有一位据说真的是个公主。Meanwhile, you got dropped off by your father in the family sedan.同时,你上学是坐父亲开的家庭小轿车。Years from now, you'll learn that your parents had to take out new credit cards to pay your tuition.很多年后你...
distinction is not always clear across the whole of his work, because frequently the term “self” is used interchangeably with the terms “ego” and “psyche”. 尽管温尼科特屡次声称在“自体”与“自我”之间存在差异,但纵观其全部著作他对于二者的区别并不总是很清晰,这是因为他屡次地将术语“自体”...
aMen in whom ambition is the leading passion are likely to love women who assist them in their career, and it would be very shallow psychology to suppose that the love is not real because it has its instinctive root in self-interest. 志向是主导的激情的人可能爱协助他们在他们的事业的妇女和...
12. How does self-acceptance contribute to finding your real self? 13. What are some signs that indicate you are not living in alignment with your real self? 14. How can you identify and let go of limiting beliefs that hinder your connection with your real self?
See, self-love isn’t just a mental battle that you have to overcome. The mind-body connection is real and how you care for your body internally directly affects how you look and feel mentally and physically. Together, my bookThe Inflammation Spectrumand my two co-branded products ...
Continue ReadingWe Are Not Broken: How To Rise Up From The Shadows With Self-Love 4 Tips To Ground Yourself: Self-Love, Womanhood & Energy Medicine Renee Mullings-Lewis 05/07/2018 The longer I live in this world and in this 3D reality, the more I realize that there is a serious need...