Medical Wikipedia self-lim·it·ing (sĕlf-lĭm′ĭ-tĭng) adj. 1.Limiting oneself or itself. 2.Self-limited. self′-lim′i·ta′tion(-tā′shən)n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co...
Ranges of the rates of limiting long-term illness; Odds of having limiting long-term illness; Variability in the census rates of limiting long-term illness.CohenGeoffForbesJohnBMJ: British Medical Journal (International Edition)Cohen G, Forbes J, Garraway M. Interpreting self reported limiting long...
Self care and case management in long term conditions: the effective management of critical interfaces The purpose of the proposed research is to explore the role of self care within the NHS and social care model for improving care for people with long term ... Challis, D., Hughes, J., ...
Similarly, experiences at work can affect employees’ quality of life at work and outside of work. Workplace Employee Assistance Programs, on-site medical centers, concierges, meals, and fitness centers are intended to address this bi-directional influence to improve employee retention and productivi...
Gruber (Medical University of Vienna) and S. Marchesan (University of Trieste) for their support, feedback and invaluable discussions. We also thank J. Ban (University of Rijeka), H. Fulgosi (Institute Ruder Bošković) and R. Frkanec (University of Zagreb) for their support with ...
In tasks involving the interpretation of medical images, suitably trained machine-learning models often exceed the performance of medical experts. Yet such a high-level of performance typically requires that the models be trained with relevant datasets that have been painstakingly annotated by experts. ...
The early detection and medical intervention of arrhythmia are of great significance to a patient’s excellent prognosis. It is easier to detect transient and valuable arrhythmia fragments for the first time using long-term continuously wearable ECG monitors, which can improve patients’ health status...
non-RCT designs or were small pilot RCTs, thereby limiting the generalizability of these findings. Moreover, it is important to note that this paucity of studies limits our understanding of the importance of digital literacy and access, given that these same populations are known to experience di...
To overcome this mindset, individuals need to identify and challenge their limiting beliefs. They need to recognize that abundance is a mindset and that resources are not limited. They can cultivate an abundance mindset by focusing on gratitude, practicing positive affirmations, and visualizing abundanc...
These studies look at people's attitudes in isolation without considering tradeoffs, thus limiting the possibility of testing competing factors. We build on this work by examining how tradeoffs between different costs and benefits influence the adoption and evaluation of big data technologies. Crucially...