If you have been programming in Python (object-oriented programming) for some time, then you have definitely come across methods that have self as their first parameter. Let us first try to understand what this recurring self parameter is. What is self i
-> 而需要访问实例的变量和调用实例的函数,当然需要对应的实例Instance对象本身 -> 而Python中就规定好了,函数的第一个参数,就必须是实例对象本身,并且建议,约定俗成,把其名字写为self -> 所以,我们需要self(需要用到self) 而如果没有用到self,即代码中,去掉self后,那种写法所使用到的变量,实际上不是你所希望...
但是实际上此处的值,不是所期望的,传入的name,即"Tim",而是类中的name的值,即"class global name"。 以上参考了:http://www.crifan.com/summary_the_meaning_of_self_and___init___in_python_and_why_need_them/ http://www.jb51.net/article/56082.htm...
You could name this argument anything because the nameselfhas no special meaning in Python. selfrepresents an instance of the class, so when we assign a variable asself.my_var = 'some value', we are declaring an instance variable - a variable unique to each instance. ...
Python中的self和init 2018-11-01 11:21 −From: https://www.crifan.com/summary_the_meaning_of_self_and___init___in_python_and_why_need_them/ 背景 回复: 我写的一些Python教程,需要的可以看看 中SongShouJiong的... Raul2018 0 212 ...
(Source Code) MIT Python/Nodejs Offen - Fair, lightweight and open web analytics tool. Gain insights while your users have full access to their data. (Demo, Source Code) Apache-2.0 Go/Docker Open Web Analytics - Web analytics framework that lets you stay in control of how you instrument...
Most of the meaning is contained in kanji, while the hiragana supplies disambiguation and grammatical specifiers, so you know you can skip past the hiragana and still retain the basic meaning. Having self used by convention means that once you get used to seeing it, you don't need to read...
类的参数self self是类函数中的必传参数, 且必须放在第一个参数位置 self是一个变量,他代表实例化的...