The Dad Train is a blog and podcast sharing ideas and strategies on how to be a better man, partner and dad.
and what are your weaknesses. Self-appraisal points you in the direction of self-improvement. Who you want to be involves getting clear on your goals for life. Let’s look at a series of steps you can take to develop self-knowledge, get clear on your long-term goals, translate those lo...
Despite those things, we somehow managed to get this far in life without ever being taught how to journal for self-improvement… as adults. Journaling can have a profound effect on our perspectives and mental well-being… yet we often dismiss the notion and immediately seek out other ways to...
Triangle Breathing: A Simple Stress Relief Technique for All Ages (free worksheet!) Positive Self Talk: 10 Free Worksheets for Kids and Adults Do Chair Bands for ADHD work? 15 Affordable Calm Down Corner Ideas for School or Home What is the Star Breathing Technique for Kids? What is the 5...
Self-motivation is a great way for doing things better in life. Exercising not only helps you to stay fit, but also freshens up your body from within. Despite being aware of the benefits of exercise, people fail to put it in their lives, because their motivation is very limited. An opt...
Vi Hart– the original “Mathemusician”, Vi’s soulfully brilliant explanations of math concepts are great for small kids and adults alike. Zach Star– math puzzles and other interesting stuff Numberphile– another fun math channel – sometimes with fun visuals and special guest experts. ...
You can explore other amazing game night ideas for adults you can enjoy alone too and then share it with friends and family once you found the best of the bests. 6| Get to Know Yourself Deeper Buy It Here Self-dating is especially important when it comes to mental health and introspection...
NieCat supports, empowers, mentors and motivates parents, teens and all clients alike to identify measurable goals and objectives to accomplish long lasting Self Improvement.
A personal manifesto describes your core values and beliefs, the specific ideas and priorities that you stand for, and how you plan to live your life. This acts as both a statement of personal principles and a call to action. A personal manifesto can help frame your life, point you in th...
Want to start your self-improvement journey? Here’s your starting point. On TikTok, there’s the “that girl” trend. A girl who has everything sorted; has all the socially desirable habits and traits. That girl’s persona is mostly about succeeding at self-improvement and becoming a bett...