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Project ECHO programming through the Washington INCLUDE collaborative is funded by the Washington State Health Care Authority. Acknowledgments Thank you to all our Project ECHO staff and participants who contributed their time, knowledge, and perspectives on this process of understanding the influence of ...
self-employed individuals have to navigate unique financial challenges, including irregular income streams, self-funded benefits, and tax management. Here’s a comprehensive approach to financial planning for those who are self-employed:
The work of Sabine Georg was funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the German federal state Baden-Württemberg. The authors declare no further conflict of interest. We declare that this second validation study was designed independently from the funder, the collection, ...
It was also financially supported by Norwegian Research Council (project number 156744) funded project Oral health in a global perspective.References Russell SL, Mayberry LJ: Pregnancy and oral health: a review and recommendations to reduce gaps in practice and research. Mcn 2008,33(1):32–37. ...
It was also financially supported by Norwegian Research Council (project number 156744) funded project Oral health in a global perspective.References Russell SL, Mayberry LJ: Pregnancy and oral health: a review and recommendations to reduce gaps in practice and research. Mcn 2008,33(1):32–37. ...