Approximately four percent of adults over the age of 18 have ADHD. This lesson will review adult ADHD, describe how it impacts self-esteem, and provide some suggestions for improving self-esteem. Why Do You Always Forget? Sean is a 29-year-old married father who was diagnosed with ADHD dur...
Personality traits and self-esteem among young adultsKumar, AnkitRathee, RaviKumar, SunilSingh, ShaliniIAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review
The major purpose of this study was to examine the joint effects of race and gender on the self-esteem of young adults. Data came from a large sample of undergraduate students (N = 7,552; 2,785 men and 4,767 women) enrolled at a Midwestern U.S. University over the period 1990...
High levels of childhood trauma (CT) have been observed in adults with mental health problems. Herein, we investigated whether self-esteem (SE) and emotion regulation strategies (cognitive reappraisal (CR) and expressive suppression (ES)) affect the association between CT and mental health in adult...
This study investigated the relationship of parental divorce during childhood and the self-esteem of young adult offspring. It was expected that adult children of divorced parents (where the divorce occurred during childhood) would display lower levels of self-esteem than adult children of intact fami...
The present study examined WeChat Moments use, personal power, and social acceptance in the prediction of self-esteem among Chinese individuals. Specifically, this study aimed to address four questions: (a) Is WeChat Moments use related to self-esteem? (b) Which aspect of WeChat Moments use ...
The first aim was to test whether RS mediated the relation between self-esteem and depression. The second aim was to examine whether the indirect effect of self-esteem on depression via RS was moderated by positive affect. These two research questions form a moderated mediation model that would...
Suitable for Ages: 2-5 Themes: Siblings, Self-esteem, Multigenerational relationships, Being true to yourself Opening:“When I was little, I wanted to be a star. My sister was a star. Everybody said so. But nobody said it to me.” ...
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to shed light on therapy-relevant factors, such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, and resources in adults with ADHD in comparison with a healthy control group. METHOD: A total of 43 adults who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th...
Self-esteem in adults is affected by interactions with other people, finances, health issues, and the adult's self-esteem as a...