Education Self-efficacy of teachers of refugee English language learners| A mixed methods study MERCER UNIVERSITY Ismail S. Gyagenda BattleKeisha NicholeAn increase in immigrant population has changed the demographics of the traditional classroom. With this change in demographics, teachers must be ...
L aunching courses fo r the teachers ’pro fessio nal dev elopment can im prov e the teachers ’pro fessio na l ide as ,k now ledge a nd abilit ies ,so as to reinfo rce t eachers’self efficacy ,pr omo t e t heir teaching inte r- nal mo t iv at ion and help them ...
2) teachers general self-efficacy 教师一般自我效能感 例句>> 3) teachers self-efficiency 教师自我效能 1. So we must strengthen the cultivation of teachers self-efficiency. 自我效能理论被引入教育领域以后,引起了研究者的极大关注,他们从不同的角度对这一理论进行了深入的研究,论证了教师自我效能对...
摘要: (2016). Improving teaching self-efficacy for teachers in inclusive classrooms in Hong Kong. International Journal of Inclusive Education: Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1142-1154. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2016.1155663关键词: Foreign Countries Self Efficacy Teacher Effectiveness Inclusion Mixed Methods ...
Specifically, the study aimed to test a model of the relations of teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for teaching math with their job satisfaction and classroom levels of math achievement both directly and indirectly via classroom interaction quality. In addition, individual student level relational and ...
Self-efficacy is of particular interest to implementation science researchers because of the importance of understanding why evidence-based practices fail to be implemented in community settings. For this study, the self-efficacy of classroom teachers of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) was...
1.Pursue Teachers Self-efficiency and Meaning in Teaching;追寻教师自我效能及其对教学的意义 2.The Correlation Analysis about Self-efficiency and Teaching Efficiency of P. E. Teachers;高校体育教师自我效能与教学效能相关分析 3.A Research on Self-efficacy between Outstanding and General Teachers优秀教师与...
This study described the self-efficacy of early childhood special education (ECSE) teachers (n = 28) and investigated relations among teacher self-efficacy, classroom quality, and language and literacy gains of children with language impairment (LI; n = 108), as well as the extent to which cl...
The purpose of this study was to determine how elementary teachers use computers, the Internet, and educational technology in the educational process. The purpose was also to gain information regarding the teachers' possession of technological devices and their levels of self-efficacy in using them ...
teacher self-efficacy development. Introduction Teacher self-efficacy (TSE), defined as teachers’ judgement of their capability to effectively organise and execute specific courses of action (Bandura,2006), has long been contended one of the most significant factors in teacher functioning (Soini, et...