作者:Lex Fridman 转载自:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6INDaLcuJY&list=PLrAXtmErZgOeiKm4sgNOknGvNjby9efdf 【 MIT 6.S094 自动驾驶公开课 】 自动驾驶中的深度学习Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars(合辑)(英文字幕)微博:宫帅USTC
Car detection for self-driving cars using a Deep learning approachJones, TamyaOyekan, IsraelLamichhane, SantoshAlexander, BrionnaCalderon, JuanFlorida Scientist
Deep learningSelf-driving carsAutonomous vehiclesRecently, the amount of research in the field of self-driving cars has grown significantly with autonomous vehicles having clocked in more than 10 million miles, providing a substantial amount of data for use in training and testing. The most complex...
We are presenting a model for self-driving car simulator provided by Udacity as an open-source simulator. We will then use the simulator to create our own training data for our model which will be driving a car through training mode on its track in the..
Designing an accurate and real-time semantic segmentation system for self-driving cars by taking advantage of two main deep learning architectures: CNNs and AEs. A hybrid model based on the concepts of feature pyramid networks (FPNs) and bottleneck residual blocks is built to perform the semantic...
Event-based Vision meets Deep Learning on Steering Prediction for Self-driving Cars 郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! CVPR 2018 Abstract 事件相机是仿生视觉传感器,可以自然地捕捉场景的动态,过滤掉多余的信息。本文提出了一种深度神经网络方法,该方法可以在具有挑战性的运动估计任务中...
Figure 1: NVIDIA’s self-driving car in action. We designed the end-to-end learning system using anNVIDIA DevBoxrunning Torch 7 for training. AnNVIDIA DRIVETMPXself-driving car computer, also with Torch 7, was used to determine where to drive—while operating at 30 frames per second (FPS...
Python programming experience, along with a basic understanding of deep learning, is necessary to get the most of this book. What you will learn Implement deep neural network from scratch using the Keras library Understand the importance of deep learning in self-driving cars Get to grips ...
Introduction to Deep Learning and Self-Driving Cars(深度学习与自动驾驶简介) Deep Learning(深度学习) Deep Reinforcement Learning(深度强化学习) Computer Vision(计算机视觉) Deep Learning for Human Sensing(深度学习与类人环境感知) Deep Reinforcement Learning for Motion Planning(面向运动规划的深度强化学习) ...