从出生到3岁 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 The Self-Driven Child 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 写一本好书还是需要才能的,本书的两个作者(一个神经神经心理学家、一个搞应试升学培训的)在这方面还欠缺一点。全书的行文有些拖沓,例子用的也不好,读起来比较乏味。他们有的是另外两方面的优势:一是对神经和心理方...
自驱型成长:如何科学有效培养孩子的自律The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Gi 2025 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ 父母最重要的事不是让孩子取得成功,而是让孩子努力活出自己人生的意愿。 评分☆☆☆ 帮助孩子增强自控感,不把自己的恐惧投射到孩子身上,不让他们带着父母的恐惧去生活,教...
美国畅销书《The Self-driven Child》的两位作者临床神经心理学家William Stixrud和课外辅导机构Prep Matters的创始人Ned Johnson认为,【我们这一代空前焦虑的家长正在抚养迷茫和焦虑的新一代。】 大部分70、80...
The Self-Driven Child The science and the sense of giving kids more control over their lives. Join Today The Self-Driven Child The science and the sense of giving kids more control over their lives. Join Today Receive our monthly newsletter & our TOP TEN
《The Self-Driven Child》_William Stixrud, PhD_CHAPTER TWELVE The SAT, ACT, and Other Four-Letter Words_掌阅小说网
Our aim is to move away from a model that depends on parental pressure to one that nurtures a child's own drive. That is what we mean by the self-driven child. We start with the assumption that kids have brains in their heads and want their lives to work and that, with some ...
The Self-Driven Child offers a combination of cutting-edge brain science, the latest discoveries in behavioral therapy, and case studies drawn from the thousands of kids and teens Bill and Ned have helped over the years to teach you how to set your child on the real road to success. As ...
> 我来写笔记 > The Self-Driven Child 作者: Stixrud PhD, William, Johnson, Ned 副标题: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives isbn: 0735222517 书名: The Self-Driven Child 页数: 384 出版社: Viking 出版年: 2018-2-13 装帧: 精装...
面对缺乏自驱力,成绩平平的青春期女儿, 我变得唠唠叨叨,焦虑,抓狂,不停求索该怎么办。甚至想过,在老家找个偏远的农村,暑假的时候带女儿去体验一下生活的艰难,以其激发她的自驱力好好学习。在行动的第一步,向老家工作的老同学咨询选址的时候,就被老同学耻笑回来了。某天在豆瓣小组里闲逛时,遇见别人推荐这本书,国...