Call 1-800-999-0119No Matter Where You Live in Florida CONSIDERATIONS FOR WHETHER OR NOT TO USE A FLORIDA DIVORCE LAWYER VS A PARALEGAL VS SELF REPRESENTING No offense but you are not a lawyer. There may be many things that you simply don't know or didn't think of. Sometimes it's...
If you are representing yourself in a family law case and need legal advice, help with your paperwork, or help preparing for court then you have come to the right place.
Lawyerless Solutions and MicroLaw provide access to paralegal self-help (pro se) services for uncontested New Jersey divorce online. No lawyers need be involved, we do all the paperwork ready for a NJ court filing.
Radford had failed to show up for the final divorce hearing. While at the courthouse Wednesday morning, Mari told colleagues he had concerns about Radford, attorney Wade Everett said. Though he didn't know specifics, Everett said Mari had a "gut feeling" that Radford could harm him. On Th...
Welcome to home of Express NonLawyer We are a non-lawyer service here to assist you in the preparation of certain legal documents without the use of an attorney to keep your cost to a minimum. Many people cannot afford to retain an attorney and others de
Eva Benefield: I drove a couple blocks down the road to my friend's house and they saw that I was crying … And they said, "What's wrong?" And I said, "Ashley killed my dad." It was a tragic end to a relationship that began at a dinner in Florida back in August of 2016.Doug...
So many possibilities, I could just burn a flag thinking about it. And when I get those three gold stars at the end of each level, I know my life, including the premature balding, the clogged toilets, and my second divorce, has all been worth it. But here’s the thing; most ...
the divorce lawyer stands to make a fortune and unfortunately some keep the ugliness going longer because of the money. All of the possible referrals are making good money off the “high conflict divorce”. There is nothing wrong with making a decent and even good living working with this pop...
De Lempicka’s acquaintance with the Italian writer and political leader Gabriele d’Annunzio, however, may have led to her divorce from her husband about the turn of the decade. Tamara de Lempicka: Young Lady with GlovesVisitor taking a photo of Young Lady with Gloves, oil on canvas by ...