choices with a self-directed IRA.Money Metalssuggests New Direction Trust Company (see below) because this trustee offers low fees and great customer service for our clients. However, we can work with any firm providing self-directed accounts - additional companies are listed lower down on this ...
Wearable Enzymatic Fuel Cells The challenges associated with implantable EFCs has directed the research towards wearable ratheTrhtehacnhaimllepnlganestaabslseoacpiaptleidcawtioitnhs,imanpdl,acnotanbselequEeFnCtslyh, atos tdhiereecxtpedlotrhaetiorensoefarpchhytsoiowloagrdicsalwfeluairdasblaes raantha...
Exploiting enzymatic (reversed) hydrolysis in directed self-assembly of peptide nanostructures. Small 2008, 4, 279–287. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 19. Chronopoulou, L.; Sennato, S.; Bordi, F.; Giannella, D.; di Nitto, A.; Barbetta, A.; Dentini, M.; Togna, A.R.; Togna, G.I.; ...