INVASION OF THE BODYSNATCHERS.(using the Internet for self-diagnosis of health problems)ZIGURAS, CHRISTOPHER
For people like Sarvela, who've lived for years with mysterious symptoms before getting a proper diagnosis, having a more personalized search to bounce ideas off of may help save precious time in a health care system where long wait times,medical gaslighting, potential biases in care...
Two hundred and forty dentate patients were interviewed with regard to participation in school dental care, dental visiting habits, self-assessment of oral health, dental anxiety, and oral hygiene habits. Dental visiting habits were associated with gender, psychiatric diagnosis, duration of mental ...
Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents Who Have a Diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder OBJECTIVE: The aim of treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is to decrease symptoms, enhance functionality, and improve well-being ... Klassen,F A. - ...
2. Among the most frequently reported variables that favor the diagnosis of PNES are the psychiatric comorbidities. In particular, depression, somatoform disorders, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorders, one or more major psychiatric diagnoses/mental health problems (higher number of Axis I diagnoses)...
Their average duration of diagnosis with diabetes was 4.36 ± 2.65 years (min – max = 1–20). Over three-quarters of the subjects (75.6%) attended primary care services from the Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital (Table 1). Most of the participants were non-smokers (77.3%) ...
Prevalence of the chronic sinusitis diagnosis in Olmsted County, Minnesota. BACKGROUND: Commonly cited estimates from the National Health Interview Survey rank chronic sinusitis as one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the ... RG Shashy,EJ Moore,A Weaver - 《Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Su...
3 In 2016, 1 in 59 children aged 8 years met surveillance criteria for ASD, and 1 in 40 children aged 3 to 17 years had a parent-reported ASD diagnosis.4,5 Among the myriad potential health problems for people with ASD is the excess risk of injury morbidity and mortality. Several ...
"Kids with a diagnosis of ADHD for many, many different reasons, may become depressed later on, maybe because of learning problems at school, maybe because of peer relationships, and theirdepressed moodwill predispose them to increased suicidal ideation in adolescence," Dr. Lin said. ...
The purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between body satisfaction and self-concept in elementary school children. Participants were twentythree boys and twenty-eight girls from the third and sixth grades of a rural public school. Demographic information, body satisfaction...