(redirected fromSelf-defence (law)) Dictionary Thesaurus Self-Defense The protection of one's person or property against some injury attempted by another. Self-defense is a defense to certain criminal charges as well as to some civil claims. Under bothCriminal LawandTort Law, self-defense is ...
The article offers information on the publication of legislation on self defence in Ireland. According to Fine Gael's justice spokesman Alan Shatter, the legislation allow the use of reasonable force to protect oneself or other family members from injury or assault, property, and prevent a crime ...
EXILE, civil law. The: interdiction of all places except one in which the party is forced to make his residence. 2. This punishment did not deprive the sufferer of his right of citizenship or of his property, unless the exile were perpetual, in which case confiscation not unfrequently was...
Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors: Impulses from the Max Planck Trialogues on the Law of Peace and Warjus contra bellumself-defencenon-state actorsunwilling/unable doctrineconflict in SyriaThe legality of self-defence against non-state actors is currently one of the most contested issues of ...
Wallerstein, S. (2006). The state's duty of self-defence: Justifying the expansion of criminal law. Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper No. 56.Wallerstein, S (2008): "The State's Duty of Self-Defence". Goold, B and Lazarus, L (eds): Security and Human Rights. Oxford: Hart....
Section 421 provides that if a person kills in self-defence incircumstances where the conduct was not a reasonable response to the threat posed, but the person believed the conduct was necessary in defence of themselves or another person, the person can be found not guilty of murder but guilty...
In the wake of the Sauvage case, this article provides a timely analysis of the gendered law of self-defence in France. Drawing from an in-depth analysis of the judgments imposed in the Sauvage case, this article examines the adequacy of French legal responses to battered women who kill and...
Since 2003 there have been three major decisions of the ICJ that have dealt directly with the law governing self-defence actions, in contrast to only two such cases in the preceding fifty years. This, then, is an opportune moment to reconsider the jurisprudence of the Court on this issue. ...
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