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不便之处,敬请原谅。 如有查询,请致电本行客户服务热线。 Website maintenance in progress Period: 2024-08-04 (Sunday) 00:30 a.m. - 07:00 a.m. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. For enquiry, please call our Customer Service Hotline. ...
1. Introduction 2. Method 3. Measures 4. Results 5. Discussion 6. Limitations and future research 7. Implications 8. Conclusion Funding CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of Competing Interest Data Availability ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (17) Tables (1) Table 1Body...
Third, we focused on one form of inconsistent CSR information. Our findings provide valuable insights into the individual differences in perceiving such information by highlighting the importance of individuals’ moral identity. However, it would be relevant to investigate further how individuals with a...
Texas (n= 1), Massachusetts (n= 1), and Pennsylvania (n= 1). All participants provided voluntary electronic consent for participation in the study. Procedures and protocols used were approved by the Montana State University Institutional Review Board and in accordance with the Declaration of Helsi...
Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Appendix A. Supplementary material Download all supplementary files included with this articleWhat’s...
Get a PDF version of Registration Form of Temporary Residence: Special Notice 1 The system is open for foreigners who live in Shanghai. Foreigners living in other cities in China cannot use this system for declaration. 2 The ...
Participants completed an informed consent form and provided background information. The procedures complied with the ethical stand- ards of the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki regarding the treatment of human participants in research. Twenty naïve students (mean ± SD age, 22.15 ± ...
Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Acknowledgment The authors would like to acknowledge the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF122...
Declaration of Competing Interest The authors report no declarations of interest. Appendix A. Supplementary data The following is Supplementary data to this article:Download: Download Word document (23KB)References1 Anderson et al., 1999 V.L. *Anderson, E.M. Levinson, W. Barker, K.R. Kiewra...