网络自我控制理论 网络释义 1. 自我控制理论 根据自我控制理论(self-control theory),个体对行为结果的预期是个体关于自我概念的一系列自我控制计划(self-schema)…|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,自我控制理论
Self Control Theory Self-control theory Hirschi collaborated with Gottfredson (1990) to develop the theory with the only one type of control – self-control They did not clarify how their self-control theory relates to Hirschi’s social bonding theory ...
It is difficult to overestimate the significance of self-control in adolescent development. Although the notion of self-control, in its different guises, is ubiquitous in the study of adolescence and central to healthy development, "Self-control Theory" generally refers to the groundbreaking work ...
摘要: Gottfredson and Hirschi's self-control theory posits that crime is the result of low self-control. Self-control is the ability to delay gratification and take into account future consequences of behavior for oneself and others. These characteristics are developed关键词:...
Gottfredson and Hirschi’s self-control theory is now nearly 30 years old. It remains one of the most popular perspectives in criminology, enjoying much empirical support. Measurement and theoretical advances have continued to keep the perspective fresh
Orem自理理论(theoryofselfcare)教学内容 一、Orem简介二、Orem自理模式的主要概念三、Orem的三种护理系统四、Orem理论的护理程序五、Orem理论中四个基本概念 DorotheaE.Orem简介 1914年出生教育背景•1930年毕业于护校获护理大专•1939年获护理学学士学位•1945年获护理教育硕士学位•1976年获Georgetown等大学荣誉...
1) the self-organizing theory and model of self-control 自我控制自组织理论2) self-control theory 自我控制理论3) Self-organizational control model 自我组织控制模型4) Bone self organizational control process 骨自我组织控制过程5) self-organization theory 自组织理论 1. An analysis of self-...
Self Control Theory . Self control theory explains that deviance is inherently attractive to everyone. It applies to both legal‚ illegal and self indulgent actions that are considered deviant in our society‚ for example ‚ robbery ‚ rape ‚using drugs ‚ smoking ‚ drinking and eve...
Several core propositions of self-control theory were tested utilizing self-reported data gathered from university students in Malta, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States. The results provide some support for the claim that ineffective parenting decreases self-control and strong support for the ...
This article provides an overview of Gottfredson and Hirschi's (1990) self-control theory. The article details the development. The development pertains to the role of parents and schools. Gottfredson and Hirschi argue that peer association is not an issue with their theory. This article discusse...