Self-control is the strength of character as you don’t give in to your impulses and do what’s right or beneficial. It’s the ability to control emotions, impulses, or behaviors to achieve a greater goal. Also See:Patience Quotes With discipline and self control one can achieve any goals...
The Bible regards self-control as one of the “fruits of the Spirit.” It teaches us that discipline and self-restraint are values thatfeed our soulswith happiness and good health. In this post, we share with you afew Bible verses about self-control and how to build and develop it. We...
What does the Bible says about self-control? Galatians 5:22-23 If we let our desires lead our decisions, our lives (and our bodies) can quickly spin out of control. Self-control is a discipline that God grows in us when we continually choose to die to our flesh and live in Him. Wh...
The meaning of self-control is the control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc. A second meaning is the control of one's emotions or desires by one's own will. Another definition is the controlling of one's own behavior. We read in II Peter 1:5 -7," But ...
Nav:Gift from God♦||♦Using Self-control♦||♦Self-control wrap-up STM Bible Study Summary In Christ, we live as self-disciplined people who are in the world but not of it. To grow spiritually, we need to control ourselves. Child of God the Holy Spirit makes it possible; are...
BIBLE storiesSELF-controlEROTICADESIREMASCULINITYIn both narrative passages and ethical precepts, the early Christian text The Shepherd of Hermas places great emphasis on the virtue of enkrateia, self-control or self-restraint. At the same time, surprisingly erotic elements appear, beginning with an ...
What the Bible says about self-control? Galatians 5:22-23 If we let our desires lead our decisions, our lives (and our bodies) can quickly spin out of control. Self-control is a discipline that God grows in us when we continually choose to die to our flesh and live in Him. Why can...
提摩太后书 4:5 — The New King James Version (NKJV) 5But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. 提摩太后书 4:5 — New Century Version (NCV) 5But you should control yourself at all times, accept troubles, do the work...
First, when man’s flesh takes charge and decides that the Bible in its holiness is not relevant. Second, Christians’ ignorance or evasive stance toward “blessing ONLY comes through Jesus Christ”. Third, believers’ unwillingness or inability to experience the fullness of the Gospel in Spirit...
With regard to sexual activity, each of us must know how to control ourselves in holiness and honor. The world is controlled by their lustful passions. True self-discipline does not arise from within us, it is fruit of the Spirit. Show More Sermon ID 2424223274377 Duration 32:16 Date ...