Self-compacting concreteReinforced concreteJacketTestsShearFlexureDamageBeamAnalysisThis study presents experimental and analytical results obtained from the application of a reinforced self-compacting concrete jacketing technique for the rehabilitation of shear damaged reinforced concrete beams. Three shear-...
Research on non-vibro-castingself-compactionconcrete moulding test; 免振捣自密实混凝土成型试验研究 3. In order to satisfy the demand of self-compacting concrete for road repair, the researchers reduced the yield shearing stress of fresh concrete and made concrete mixture reach the fluidity ofself-...
Part8:Self-compactingconcrete—Slump- flowtest BSEN12350-8:2010BRITISHSTANDARD Nationalforeword ThisBritishStandardistheUKimplementationofEN12350-8:2010. TheUKparticipationinitspreparationwasentrustedtoTechnical CommitteeB/517/1,Concreteproductionandtesting. ...
Self-compacting concrete is the highly flowable, non-segregating concrete that can spread into place, fill formwork, and encapsulate even the most congested reinforcement by means of its own weight, with little or no vibration. It delivers these attractive benefits while maintaining or enhancing all...
The invention relates to self-compacting concrete which is used for overcoming the contradiction between flowability and stability, early strength and delayed coagulation, contraction and expansion and the like of the self-compacting concrete in the prior art. In the invention, by means of combination...
Self-compacting concrete was first developed in 1988 in order to achieve durable concrete structures. Since then, various investigations have been carried out and the concrete has been used in practical structures, mainly by large construction companies. Investigations for establishing a rational mix-...
self-compactingconcrete. Highly luid,Agiliaistheultimate sel -compactingconcrete.Itcanbepoured quickly, lowingandspreadinge ortlessly toprovideanexceptional,highlyaesthetic inish.Andit’snotjusttimeandmoneythat canbesaved;Agiliaalsoreducesnoiseand
Fresh self-compacting concrete (SCC) flows into place and around obstructions under its own weight to fill the formwork completely and self-compact, without any segregation and blocking. The elimination of the need for compaction leads to better quality concrete and substantial improvement of working...
The results of a test program to investigate the acid resistance of self-compacting concrete (SCC) and conventional concrete (CC), immersed up to 18 weeks at 20C in sulfuric and hydrochloric acid solutions, are described. The SCC was prepared with 47% carboniferous limestone powder, as a ...
Self-compacting concrete was first developed in 1988 to achieve durable concrete structures. Since then, various investigations have been carried out and this type of concrete has been used in practical structures in Japan, mainly by large construction companies. Investigations for establishing a rationa...