Self-obtained vaginal swabs for PCR chlamydia testing: a prac- tical alternative. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol. 2007;47:415-418.Rose SB, Lawton BA, Bromhead C, Macdonald EJ, Lund KA. Self- obtained vaginal swabs for PCR chlamydia testing: a practical alter- native. Aust N Z J Obstet ...
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) in pregnancy is related to numerous adverse events; however, the validity of different methods of vaginal swab collection to diagnosis BV among pregnant women is unclear. This study examines the validity of self-collected compared with provider-collected vaginal swabs and desc...
All women were instructed to self-collect a vaginal swab on site immediately prior to a gynecologic exam, during which a cervical sample was collected. Both self- and clinician-collected samples were tested for high risk HPV types (16, 18, 45, 31, 33, 35, 52, 58, 51, 59, 39, 56,...
(3) vaginal swabs were obtained and placed into Diamond's media for culture of Trichomonas vaginalis and a Dacron swab used to collect material from the external cervical opening that was placed into a specimen collection tube (Digene Corp) for Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis DNA ...
Dry vaginal swabs are a considerable solution to prevent the risk of spillage during transport but, increased attention is required concerning the choice of resuspension medium and volume. The stability of dry vaginal self-samples in eNat® medium, as highlighted by the high agreement in terms ...
Self-administered vaginal swabs for population-based assessment of Trichomonas vaginalis prevalence. By - MariaJ. Wawer, Denise McNairn, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Lynn Paxton, RonaldH. Gray, Noah Kiwanukadoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(95)90100-0M J Wawer...
THE VAGINAL MICROBIOTA BEFORE AND AFTER HYPEROSMOLAR LUBRICANT USE IN PRE-, PERI-, AND POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN We recruited 104 participants who self-collected mid-vaginal swabs daily for one week between baseline and TVUS, and immediately before and 6-12 hours ... B Sarah,X He,J Elizabeth,....
Matching penile-meatal swabs and urines were collected at home after recruitment to the study; via the internet programme, The instructions directed the participant to place the tip of a Copan flocked swab at the meatal opening of the urethra to collect the ...
For proper clinical validation, the VALHUDES protocol offers guidance to compare the clinical sensitivity and specificity of a candidate HR-HPV assay on vaginal self-samples and first void-urine, collected in agreement with standardized protocols, with the same HR-HPV DNA tests on matched clinician...
Self-collection of vaginal samples is a method in which women collect samples themselves and send them to the clinic or laboratory for testing. HPV self-collection is convenient, may increase women’s sense of privacy and improve access in remote areas, and may decrease stigma and embarrassment....