This is because by definition, self-transcendence requires one to serve a purpose greater than the self with a prosocial intent, and being able to move beyond one’s personal, self-centered ego and needs [99,100]. However, as seen in our analysis, in neoclassic calling pro-self interests ...
A yellow band, centered at 653nm653nm, was observed. Similar yellow bands were also observed in nanoparticles [23] and nanowires [32] with wurtzite structure. Figure 11. Photoluminescence spectra of (a) a GaN circular microtube with wurtzite structure and (b) a GaN squared microtube with ...
Self-service BI capabilities make it easier for employees -- from executives to frontline workers -- to get useful business insights from the data collected in BI systems. The primary goal is to drive more informed and data-centered decision-making that results in positive business outcomes, such...
Moreover, Hsu (2013) stated that the teacher-centered educational approach was one of the factors that negatively affected students’ attitude toward MALL. Given the effectiveness of informal out-of-class learning and the negative influence of teacher-centered approach, it is important to conduct ...
Throughout the process of searchlight RSA, the sphere is centered around each voxel in the brain one step at a time, and that voxel receives the value of similarity between the two contrasts within the sphere. After performing the searchlight, we fisher-z transformed the similarity values in ...
How to lock a wpf window is centered to the screen ? How to log in automatically into application with NFC tag? How to loop on all nodes of a WPF Treeview ??? how to loop through all the the cells in datagrid How to make "value changed" event handler for custom User Control? HOw...
Our work reveals that the channel-type dimer of b-CD may represent a new sort of building block for advanced structures. M olecular self-assembly has been verified a powerful protocol to fabricate a rich variety of nano- structures1–3. In most cases, hydrophobic effect occurs in self-...
One participant with prior self-exclusion experience commented: “For me, I think having some sort of portal where I can log-in and see where I am self-excluded from… when [the self-exclusion] runs out and all that kind of stuff.” (Consumer, 25 yrs., Male). 3.4.3. Non-self-...
However, we argue for a different narrative of the development of CBT in which (1) at the beginning, cognitive science viewed cognition not as a structural mediator organized in terms of self-centered contents of knowledge but as functionalist retroactive processes which were already partially presen...
For instance, they press one key at the terminal and it is returned (sort of like getch()). I know there's a function in Windows for it, but I'd like something that is cross-platform.\nAnswer 1: Here's a link to the ActiveState Recipes site that says how you can read a ...