The approval was granted to the Level 3 Mercedes-Benz “Drive Pilot” system that allows a driver to take their eyes off the wheel legally but must be available to resume control in need. (Source) In Jul 2023, Mercedes-Benz announced that it is modifying its Automatic Lane Change (ALC) ...
Self-driving cars are a long-term trend As with all emerging technologies, self-driving cars and related transportation tech will take many years to develop. Investing in individual stocks in the self-driving vehicle industry will be highly volatile, and there's no guarantee ...
Nonetheless, I still hope that someday, some kind rich person, or massive numbers of kind microdonators, might decide to rescue us permanently by donating some truly gigantic amounts of money which will permanently liberate my family from the time-wasting hamster wheel of having to make money,...
Oral self-careschool-aged childrenbehavior change wheelchatbotusability testChatbot Usability QuestionnaireOral health is closely related to general health and quality of life. School-aged children are at a critical stage for developing their self-care ability in oral health. Digital interventions can ...