HARTWEG, Donna L. Dorothea Orem: self-care deficit theory. In : Me QUINSTON, Chris Metzger, WEBB, Adele A. Foundations of nursing theory : contribution to 12 key theorists. Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 1995. p...
(ASA) scale is a self-reporting instrument for the purpose of reporting the activation of power and engagement in self-care activities, and is based on Orem's self-care deficit theory of nursing.2 It is a Likert-type scale with 24 items, where each item has five response categories ...
Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 PhysicsAlbert Einstein but if this yoga occurs in a dusthamsha, the native suffers addiction masked by psychological denial of personal agency. (, one blames the problem on others, as is typical of the [nīcha] Budha mind.) Shukra in bhava-6 or Shukra in...
Previous attempts to synthesize evidence on self-regulation interventions have been limited to target populations (eg, people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders) and specific age-groups (eg, children age 0-10 years).14,15 No review to date has evaluated the effectiveness of self-...
(2007). A critical analysis of the potential contribution of Orem's self-care deficit nursing theory to contemporary coronary care nursing practice. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 6, 32-39.Timmins, F., & Horan, P. (2007). A critical analysis of the potential contribution of Orem...
I have morning carpool with the kids, work, visiting my mom in long term care, maintaining a home, and (in theory) planning a wedding. The last one is mainly either procrastinating or crying. I’m the best. My fiancé and I divided up wedding planning accordingly. He picks the venue...
(3) Do sex and childhood trauma moderate the effect of autism PGS on SSBI? (4) Do social, occupational, educational, and neuropsychiatric variables mediate the effects of autism PGS on SSBI? Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the study design.aSchematic diagram illustrating the polygenic score associat...
However, many psychiatric conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, and in particular, addiction, are characterized by maladaptive decision-making, such that choices are biased towards overly risky options. Therefore, it is important to under- stand the neural ...
(Blair and Raver2015). Such effects of concentration have even been observed in monkeys: Nonhuman primates raised in captivity, natural models for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), improve in their behavior following training on how to use a joystick, a task requiring their sustained...
Behaviors and disorders related to self-regulation, such as substance use, antisocial behavior and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, are collectively referred to as externalizing and have shared genetic liability. We applied a multivariate approach that leverages genetic correlations among externalizing...