Kenakalan Pada Remaja Andikpas (Anak Didik Lapas): Pengaruh Komunikasi Orang Tua atau Self-Esteem?This study aimed to analyze the relationship of parent-adolescent communication, self-esteem, and delinquency of juvenile prisoners. The study was conducted at the juvenile prison in Bandung and ...
Pengendalian diri pada remaja. In: Bunga rampai psikologi perkembangan: Dari anak sampai lanjut usia. Jakarta: PT BPK Gunung Mulia; 2004. p. 250–69. [36] Sianipar, N. A., & Kaloeti D V. Hubungan 197 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 639 antara ...
This study aimed to determine the relationship between reproductive age women's knowledge about breast cancer and self-awareness for early detection of breast cancer. This study was quantitative research with a descriptive correlational design. The instruments used were the Women's Breast Cancer ...
2015. Fenomena Selfie (Self Portrait) di Instagram (Studi Fenomenologi pada Remaja di Kelurahan Simpang Baru Pekanbaru). Jom FISIP, Vol. 2, 1-15.Fritta Faulina Simatupang. (2015). Fenomena Selfie (Self Portrait) Di Instagram. Jom FISIP. Volume 2 No. 1, 1-15...