selfautonomy网络个人自主;独立自主;自主能力 网络释义 1. 个人自主 加尔文神学强烈反对“个人自主”(self autonomy),但主张“个人自治”(self government)。“个人自主”是以个人为最终的出发点 …|基于11个网页 2. 独立自主 ...一项被其认可的「传统仪式」之内 (见「华人庙宇条例」第8(...
自我决定理论将人的原生内在动机主要归为三类:自主(autonomy)、能力(competence)和 归属(relatedness) ,以下将分别概述: 自主性(Autonomy) 的保护 自主性的需求在幼儿1岁走路时就启动了,他们到处走动、乱涂画、触碰物品。在不断地按开关、捏各种形状彩泥、和父母玩不断扔东西又被断地被捡起来的游戏中,获得“掌控...
The rise of grass-root democracy is a highlight of contemporary China′s democratic development.In the past 30 years′,reform and openness,the villagers′ self-autonomy in villages and residential autonomy in cities have strongly promoted the development of grass-root autonomy,which improves people′...
autonomy in the areas of legislation, economy, [...] 民族自治地方的自治机关在立法、经济、教育、文化、卫生等领域依法享有广泛的自治权, 保障本地方各民族都有使用和发展自己的语言文字的自由,都有保持或者改革自 ...
3. 自主性Autonomy 定义:个体在行动和决策过程中感受到的自由度和自主选择的程度。 例子:一名员工可以自行选择如何完成工作任务,而不是被严格的步骤所束缚,这体现了高度的自主性。 4. 动机Motive 定义:推动个体采取特定行动的内在或外在因素。 例子:一个学生因为对科学的热爱(内在动机)而花很多时间研究物理实验,相对...
自主性(autonomy)就是我们自由地将经验与自我感整合到一起的需要(Deci &- Ryan, 2000)。自我决定理论认为,这三种需要本质上是心理性的,但是,它们是先天的,而不是后天习得的。所以,自我决定理论不同于大多数与先天的生理需要有关(例如,Hull, 1943)或与习得的心理需要有关(例如,Murry, 1938)的传统动机理论。
This volume addresses the complex interplay between the conditions of an agent s personal autonomy and the constitution of her self in light of two influential background assumptions: a libertarian thesis according to which it is essential for personal autonomy to be able to choose freely how one...
英英释义 self-reliance['selfri'laiəns] n. 1 personal independence 同义词: autonomy / self-direction / self-sufficiency专业释义文学 自立-引用次数:22 After throwing off the shackles and fetters of tradition and custom they achieve self-reliance. Both Sarah and Charles fulfill self-...
section, there is another pair of concepts to be found that is of crucial importance within the liberal arena and the ethical implications of AEDs. Two additional terms that must appear in any discussion in the realms of individual freedom (and its limitation) are ‘autonomy’ and ‘coercion’...