After you have a made a clean copy of your document, write a statement on it such as: “True copy” or “Self-attested copy”. Thenplace your signature directly under it. The statement of attestation and your signature should be placed very close to the boundary of the paper. How can ...
Self Attestation is a method of verification of a document by the applicant himself/herself. It is done by taking a photocopy of a document and then self-certifying by affixing signature on it and writing ‘true copy’ or ‘self attested’ if required. Self Attestation empowers the owner of...
CHECKLIST for self-employment "DIGITAL NOMAD WORKER" 自雇 – 数字游民签证申请审核表 Documenti richiesti per NOMADE DIGITALE -- Lavoro Autonomo Name: (姓名/Nome eCognome) Personal contact No.: (个人联系电话/Tel) Passport Number: (护照号/Numero di passaporto) Documents/主要材料/Documenti National...
CHECKLIST for self-employment "DIGITAL NOMAD WORKER" 自雇 – 数字游民签证申请审核表 Documenti richiesti per NOMADE DIGITALE -- Lavoro Autonomo Name: (姓名/Nome eCognome) Personal contact No.: (个人联系电话/Tel) Passport Number: (护照号/Numero di passaporto) Documents/主要材料/Documenti National...