No block:去掉 self-attention 2 Blocks:做两次 self-attention 参考 RIIID知识追踪(一)基于NN方法的SAKT模型(含论文及代码实现) - 知乎 GitHub - arshadshk/SAKT-pytorch: Implementation of paper "A Self-Attentive model for Knowledge Tracing" A self-Attentive model for Knowledge Tracing|kaggle GitHub -...
这里说明一下论文使用了题目文本信息,而目前实际上没有开源的包含文本的KT数据集, junyi 和 POJ 也是作者自己从各自的网站上爬取的,作者很良心,把爬的数据公开了,可以参考[1] 。因为爬取的因素(超时、题目丢失等)因此表格里的题目量和原始数据比会少一些。 指标采用了 AUC 和 ACC. 模型对比结果 |400 模型的...
However, why the self-attention mechanism works in knowledge tracing is unknown.This study argues that the ability to encode when a learner attempts to answer the same item multiple times in a row (henceforth referred to as repeated attempts ) is a significant reason why self-attention models ...
提出了一种关系感知型的自注意力机制RKT,引入该机制来整合上下文信息,上下文信息包括习题间的关系以及学生的遗忘行为, 习题间关系通过习题文本和学生表现来建模, 学生遗忘行为通过指数衰减核函数建模。2 模型方法每个交互为三元组(ei,ri,ti)(ei,ri,ti),问题定义为给定过去的交互历史X={x1,...xn−1}X={x1,....
ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that exhibits a remarkable ability to simulate human speech. This investigation attempts to evaluate the potential of ChatGPT as a standalone self-learning tool, with specific attention on its efficac
A growing force within the Tea Party and beyond, Patriots for Self-Deportation believe that SECURING OUR BORDERS IS NOT ENOUGH. We demand a purge for The Real America! We must make sure that all US residents and citizens have a TRUE RIGHT to be in this g
Planet Earth,by John Renton. I appreciate this book for two reasons: because it’s fascinating on its own, and because it introduced me to John Renton as a teacher. After readingPlanet Earth, I watched his series of video lectures,Nature of Earth: An Introduction to Geology, on The Great...
At the beginning of the task, participants were reminded to focus on their mental strategies and to pay attention to the tones at the same time. Each pupil-BF oddball trial began with a short instruction (2 s) indicating the required pupil self-regulation direction (that is, Up or Down...
自最后一次交互以来经过的时间(反映学生的遗忘行为) 论文提出了一个名为RKT的面向关系的自注意力知识追踪模型:首先学习交互之间的关系,通过学生的表现数据和交互内容建立练习关系矩阵,然后建模学生的遗忘曲线,采用指数衰减核函数,最后将关系信息和遗忘信息整合,修正自注意力机制中的权重。发布...
RKT : Relation-Aware Self-Attention for Knowledge Tracing Code: ⭐ 动机 将练习会产生的影响和遗忘行为结合起来。 ⭐ 模型 1 【练习表征】 从文本内容中学习练习的表征,对于词库中的单词,使用词嵌入技术,f:M→Rd,并采用Smooth Inverse Frequency (SIF)计算出每个练习的...