Adult Repetitive Behaviors Questionnaire-2-Revised (RBQ-2A-R);Autism spectrum condition (ASC);Autistic Spectrum Quotient (AQ-9);Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5);Systemizing Quotient (SQ-7) Description While diagnosticians make individual diagnoses of the au...
Autism spectrum quotientAdultsAssessmentSelf-reportScores on the autism spectrum quotient (AQ) were examined in 65 adults with ASD. Maternal reports of symptoms were collected simultaneously using the autism diagnostic interview-revised (ADI-R) and the Vineland Screener. A slightly revised AQ ...
Psychologists from Cardiff University have developed the first self-assessment test designed to help clinicians diagnose autism in adults. Published in theJournal of Autism and Developmental Disordersthetestmeasures the extent to which adults are affected by repetitive behaviours - one of the criteria use...
Data on psychiatric problems in adults with autism are inconsistent, with estimated rates ranging from around 25% to over 75%. We assessed difficulties related to mental health in 58 adults with autism (10 females, 48 males; mean age 44?years) whom we have followed over four decades. All ...
Assessment of suicidal behaviors among individuals with autism spectrum disorder in Denmark. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(1):e2033565. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.33565 ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar 65. MaClean WE Jr, Tervo RC, Hoch J, Tervo M, Symons FJ. Self-...
Previous studies have reported an association between ASD and suicidal behaviours in adolescents; however, these have methodological weaknesses such as lack of appropriate comparison groups and have used measures of self-harm assessment such as parent report. These studies have also largely relied on ...
Men—more often than women—need passion to succeed at things. At the same time, boys are diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum four times as often as girls. Jun 24, 2021 0 3 Genetics Personality traits relate to being a morning or evening person at both the phenotypic and genetic ...
Matthew Haring, a psychologist at North Shore Center for ADHD in Chicago, said his adult patients almost all have a comorbid diagnosis like anxiety or depression. Parsing out, identifying, and effectively treating those ADHD comorbidities must begin with a formal comprehensive assessment, he said. ...
The time between the first assessment [4] and the completion of the questionnaire for the present study was on average 2.02 years (sd = 0.46). Given that the LTSE was a Guttman scale, the change in LTSE between the first assessment and follow-up could be compared. The majority of the ...
traits as well as executive functioning, and possible effects of sex on these discrepancies, would have very important 13 1 090 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2024) 54:1088–1100 implications for clinical assessment, quantitative genetics studies, and measurement of treatment outcome. ...