1.定位父元素select,然后通过tag name找到所有option,得到option元素的数组,然后通过数组索引定位,最后...
Like the while loop, this for loop tries to find the element and enter a value. If the element is found, the outcome is true, and the loop is terminated immediately with the break statement. The purpose of the catch block is to handle the StaleElementReferenceException. Since the method ...
- NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn't found :Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_id('foo') """ returnself.find_element(by=By.ID, value=id_) 注解:find_element_by_id实际上调用的是find_element方法 deffind_element(self, by=By.ID, value=None): ...
- list of WebElement - a list with elements if any was found. An empty list if not :Usage: elements = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'foo')]")"""returnself.find_elements(by=By.XPATH, value=xpath) 可以发现定位方法和find_element其实一样的,只不过多了一个s相当...
driver=webdriver.Chrome()driver.get("try:element=driver.find_element_by_id("some_element_id")ifelement.is_displayed():print("Element is displayed")# 执行显示时的操作else:print("Element is not displayed")# 执行隐藏时的操作exceptNoSuchElementException:print("Element not found") ...
If the element is not found, it raises an assertion error. Interacting with the dropdown: The code locates the dropdown element using driver.find_element and creates a Select object. Locating the selected value element: The code locates the element displaying the desired value. Selecting an ...
, current_time_alertFound) alert = driver.switch_to.alert time.sleep(1) alert.accept() except Exception as e: print(e) def tearDown(self): # closes the driver self.driver.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()输出:以下是 LambdaTest 在基于...
if(targetElement.isEnabled()) { System.out.println("Element is operable"); }else{ System.out.println("Element is found, but hidden on the page"); } }else{ System.out.println("Element not found on the page"); } }catch(NoSuchElementException e) { ...
ifbynotinlocator_dict.keys(): raiseNameError("wrong locator!'id','name','class','tag','link','plink','xpath','css',exp:'id,username'") returnlocator_dict[by],value defwait_element(self,locator,sec=30): """ 等待元素出现