Test your setup Citation If you use Selective in a publication, please cite it as: @article{DBLP:journals/amai/HaDVH98,author={Kad\i{}o\u{g}lu, Serdar and Kleynhans, Bernard and Wang, Xin},title={Integrating optimized item selection with active learning for continuous exploration in recomme...
We used one-way ANOVA models to test whether lyrebirds were more likely to mimic heterospecific bird species that foraged in similar forest strata to lyrebirds (ii) and to analyse the playback experiment (v). All ANOVA models were examined to ensure that the assumptions of ANOVA models we...
Upon further inspection of these data, it was clear that bias towards males was especially pronounced among the chum salmon remains, which is by far the most common species in these assemblages38(Table3, Fig.5). A binomial exact test (two-tailed) indicates the sexed chum salmon assemblages f...
Contributor itowlson commented Nov 10, 2024 And here's why. Content must go through a pre-merge checklist. Pre-Merge Content Checklist This documentation has been checked to ensure that: The title, template, and date are all set Does this PR have a new menu item (anywhere in templates/...
The present study sought to provide a test of the integrated broaden-and-build model of positive emotions that incorporates components of hope (agency & pathways) as hypothesized predictors of life satisfaction in a community sample of 171 (137 female & 34 male) Argentinian adults who have been...
Statistical significance was calculated via 2-tailed Student’s t-test. k-m, Male mice were received 3 dosages of P-G3 (10 mg/kg.BW) or vehicle (intraperitoneally) twice-weekly since the beginning of HFD feeding, then housed singly in metabolic cages for calorimetric analysis. k, Loco...
Conceptualization and supervision: QH; Synthesis, characterisation, NMR, and photophysical experiments: YL, KL; Binding studies: YL, KL and ZL; Single crystal growing, data collection and analysis: YL, KL and QH; Theoretical calculations: KL and AL; BET test and analysis: ZL; Writing – origin...
doi:10.1353/csd.2024.a934803AFFIRMATIVE action programs in educationSTUDENT attitudesCULTURAL pluralismUNIVERSITIES & collegesTALENTED studentsTEST anxietyThe article discusses the shift towards test-free admissions at selective colleges and universities in the United States. It highlights ...
Many popular modern image processing software packages implement a naïve form of histogram equalization. This implementation is known to produce histo
mamba commit on "main" Jul 13, 2024 requirements commit on "main" May 16, 2024 .gitattributes Initial commit May 7, 2024 README.md commit on "main" Jun 20, 2024 main.py commit on "main" May 16, 2024 ssumamba.yaml commit on "main" May 16, 2024 test15.sh commit on "main" Jun...