to choose or pick from among a number.She selected a blue dress from the wardrobe;You have been selected to represent us on the committee.escoger,elegir,seleccionar adjective 1.picked or chosen carefully.A select group of friends was invited.selecto,escogido ...
LookupElement MemberColumnFilterDescriptor OffsetToClipConverter RowCancelEventArgs RowDetailsVisibilityChangingEventArgs RowEventArgs RowLoadedEventArgs RowResizedEventArgs RowResizingEventArgs RowUnloadedEventArgs ScrollChangedEventArgs ScrollChangedEventHandler ScrollContentPresenter ScrollPositionIndicator ScrollUpdateMode ...
to choose or pick from among a number.She selected a blue dress from the wardrobe;You have been selected to represent us on the committee.escoger,elegir,seleccionar adjective 1.picked or chosen carefully.A select group of friends was invited.selecto,escogido ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook radiation therapy (redirected fromselective internal radiation therapy) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia radiation therapy n. Seeradiotherapy. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright...
the scheduler preferably has a transmission queue that is structured with a selected number of individual queues, each designated for data packets of a different type of service. For an example CoS aware case, the memory device is preferably configured with four individual queues32a-32dto buffer ...
A network-based service may generate notifications regarding items of interest to a user. A contact selection service may receive the notifications and generate a user interface for
Each satellite beam identifies its reference LDA by a number that the SCR translates to a unique row and position value using the lookup table referred to above. Given the information indicated above, an approximation of the distance in kilometers between two LDA's can be obtained using the ...
(e.g., via a directory lookup). This automated process may occur because fetch requests may take a relatively long amount of time to process and when combined with the amount of time that it takes to determine the actual hit or miss information, it may delay the process even more. ...
(e.g., transmit the L3 request_valid request) if it is likely that there will be a hit in L2 cache. Once the directory lookup314confirms that there is a L2 hit, the request_valid_late request318may be cleared from the request buffer313by the request_cancel305operation, so the request...
Those skilled in the art will recognize that in an alternative embodiment, the lookup advertisement database118may be stored local to the Internet search engine114, and accessed directly thereby, or by an advertisement search engine120installed at the web server102, in the same manner as a local...