Selective perception is a cognitive bias that causes people to perceive what they want to from media messages. Advertisers and politicians count on this bias and frequently use ambiguous messages that consumers can interpret differently depending on their own experiences and leanings. An example of th...
Selective perception also filters stimuli that contradict personal beliefs or cause emotional discomfort. Stimuli that contradict expectations are easier to ignore or forget. People often see what they hope and expect to see. Everybody views the world through some sort of bias. Cognitive factors inclu...
Dr. Meyer is assistant professor of speech at the University of Massachusetts.doi:10.1080/08838157209386343MeyerTimothy P.Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic MediaNews reporter bias: A case study in selective perception[J] . Timothy P. Meyer.Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media . 1972 (2)...
Given the definition of selective in Section 3 as forming a unit together with a constituent (the personal pronoun), it may be surprising that there is such a thing at all as a selective “after comma” strategy but note that the definition only applies to selectives following a noun-...
The RegOLE defines the weight matrix W that minimizes the mean squared error of C=W*(R+b), where C is the class (here, four possible spatial locations), b is the bias, and R is the neural response. To avoid over-fitting, we used a Tikhonov regularization71 which gives us the follow...
When pRFs are mapped with upright faces, ventral face-selective regions show a prominent foveal bias in coverage (Fig.5, left-U). This foveal bias is markedly reduced in response to inverted faces (Fig.5, left-I), and is coupled with a significant reduction in the coverage area, as wel...
Group level analyses of functional regions involved in voice perception show evidence of 3 sets of bilateral voice-sensitive activations in the human prefrontal cortex, named the anterior, middle and posterior Frontal Voice Areas (FVAs). However, the relationship with the underlying sulcal anatomy, ...
This is problematic if presymptomatic individ- uals, by definition, are scoring within population-based normative standards. Alternatively, computerized test as- sessments that provide frequent serial measurements of intra-individual performance over brief time intervals may be uniquely suited for detecting...
In previous work, we have suggested that perception corresponds to inference about hidden states and attention corresponds to optimisation of the precision (i.e., confidence) afforded sensory evidence3,21. In this work, we consider a generative model that can adjust the precision of different senso...
In current classification systems, selective mutism (SM) is included in the broad anxiety disorders category. Indeed, there is abundant evidence showing that anxiety, and social anxiety in particular, is a prominent feature of SM. In this article, we point out that autism spectrum problems in ad...