A similar specific wiring pattern from bipolar cells directly onto ON direction-selective retinal ganglion cell dendrites creates direction-selective excitation in those retinal ganglion cells (Matsumoto et al., 2019). Several studies in the past few years have looked outside the classical direction-...
papers on synthesis reactions carried out by photoelectrocatalysis are very few, and notably, only about half of them have been carried out in an aqueous environment; • PC and PEC synthesis reactions depend on the type of solvent and substrate, pH, bubbled gas, stirring speed of the soluti...
We used the following databases and search terms to research this review: MEDLINE/PubMed: ‘Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty; ‘SLT; ‘Laser Trabeculoplasty; Original research studies; Non-English papers excluded. Change history 23 October 2019 An amendment to this paper has been published and can...
This narrative review examines RSV's prevalence in Korea, focusing on vulnerable populations such as infants and the elderly, and stresses the necessity of robust RSV vaccination efforts. Papers pertinent to the subject were discovered through a PubMed search that terminated in December 2021. ...
Meanwhile, triarylamine-based molecules have dramatically promoted the development of optoelectronic materials during the past decade55,56,57,58,59. Conventional approaches toward the installation of triarylamines largely rely on the cross-coupling of diarylamines with prefunctionalized aryl halides60,61,...
In the past 10 years, researchers all over the world have made great efforts to explore the possibility of using different emerging AM technologies to manufacture various BMGs, and strive to reveal relationship between the processing technology and microstructure of BMGs prepared by these AM methods...
and sensitivities. This important work by the Pretsch Group reinvigorated the field of ISEs, and contemporary papers in theJournal of the American Chemical Societyby the Bakker and Pretsch Groups in 2006 and 2008 have demonstrated that miniaturized polymeric ion sensors can be used to detect ...
Although higher than in other papers [72], it is still satisfactory because well below the minimum effective concentration of the lithium drug (0.5 mM [65]). In addition, the response time of the sensor is always very short, as evident from the sharp steps in the calibration time ...
An intriguing alternative approach to cycloadditions on proteins has been reported in a series of papers by Lin. Some tetrazoles can act as latent sources of nitrile imines, which can undergo [3+2]-cycloadditions with unactivated alkenes (Fig. 4b)111. Their generation requires irradiation with ...
Spectroscopic properties of RE3+ doped YAM crystal confirming its multisite features have been reported only in few papers [4–7]. Trivalent europium ion (Eu3+) is well recognized as the highly efficient red emitter. Show abstract Laser site-selective spectroscopy of Eu3+ ions doped Y<inf>...