Selective Mutism Selective mutismis an anxiety disorder in which children, usually with onset prior to age five, speak only in select circumstances (e.g., with a parent or close family) and remain mute in other circumstances such as school or playgrounds when there are others around.Selective ...
Ransburg Counseling, we provide specialty treatment for Anxiety, Selective Mutism, Depression, Shyness, Traumas, and Disruptive Behaviors for people in Indiana. Mandarine Chinese, Indianapois, behavior health, Why cannot my child talk in school?
Recent selective mutism (SM) treatment approaches focusing on the delivery of interventions using intensive doses of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT-SM). In the current study, we sought to examine the effectiveness of an eight-session weekly outpatient ...
Selective Mutism Questionnaire (SMQ [34]). The SMQ is 17-item parent report measure designed to assess the child's speaking behaviors across three social settings (i.e., school situations, social situations with family members, and situations outside of school not involving family). On this ...
However, given the key symptom of the condition (ie, the non-speaking behavior), it is likely that one will need to rely only on the parent as the primary informant. To get an impression of the severity of the problem and to eventually monitor treatment progress, ...
In current classification systems, selective mutism (SM) is included in the broad anxiety disorders category. Indeed, there is abundant evidence showing that anxiety, and social anxiety in particular, is a prominent feature of SM. In this article, we point out that autism spectrum problems in ad...
Objective To examine the history of lifetime psychiatric disorders in the parents of children with selective mutism (SM) compared to parents of children in a control group. Method Seventy parent dyads (n = 140) of children with lifetime SM and 31 parent dyads (n = 62) of children without...
treatment model: (1) individual "lead-in" sessions, (2) camp (i.e., all-day group sessions for children held in a simulated classroom setting, with an emphasis on graduated exposures and structured reinforcement), (3) parent training, (4) school outreach, and (5) booster treatment, as ...
Keywords: selective mutism;intensive intervention;behavioral therapy;anxiety;summer camp;children