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We used one-way ANOVA models to test whether lyrebirds were more likely to mimic heterospecific bird species that foraged in similar forest strata to lyrebirds (ii) and to analyse the playback experiment (v). All ANOVA models were examined to ensure that the assumptions of ANOVA models we...
Upon further inspection of these data, it was clear that bias towards males was especially pronounced among the chum salmon remains, which is by far the most common species in these assemblages38(Table3, Fig.5). A binomial exact test (two-tailed) indicates the sexed chum salmon assemblages f...
Anomaly detection is a highly important task in the field of data analysis. Traditional anomaly detection approaches often strongly depend on data size, structure and features, while introducing the idea of ensemble into anomaly detection can greatly imp
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Genome-wide mapping of signatures of selection using a high-density array identified candidate genes for growth traits and local adaptation in chickens ArticleOpen access23 March 2023 Open access Population genomics identifies patterns of genetic diversity and selection in chicken ...
Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Temperature Titanium Alloy Formed by Selective Laser Melting. Rare Met. Cem. Carbides 2023, 51, 78. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Yang, Z.T.; Xu, Y.Z.; Sisson, R.D.; Liang, J.Y. Factors Influencing the Corrosion Behavior of ...
The electrochemical performance of the Li-S battery assembled with S/UPJS-15 cathode was systematically investigated in electrochemical test cells. CV curves of the cells at 0.1 mV s−1 within the potential window 1.8–3.0 V are shown in Figure 15a. The typical redox reaction of Li-S batte...
“Year 6 Selective School and Scholarship - style Math Tests” is designed for Year 5-6 students to prepare for the Selective High School Placement Test for entry to Year 7. The app is also useful to prepare for the Scholarship Math Tests, ICAS Mathematics test, NAPLAN Math test and other...
There were students who attended the Year Camp this week. There were more boys than girls. The difference between the number of girls and the number of boys was . How many boys and how many girls attended the camp?( ) A: boys and girls ...